Thursday, 16 October 2014

English Language Class (Employability)

Day 3: Friday, 10th October 2014
Session 1: 8.30 a.m - 10.00 a.m
Slot: English Language Class (Employability)
Tutor: Chris

Classroom Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session, students will have:

  • Practiced presentation skills- opening a presentation, and asking questions about information from a presentation
By the end of the session, lecturers will have:
  • Discussed concerns they have about teaching employability skills
  • Identified strategies outlines in this session that could be transferred to other classes
  • Discussed strategies for differentiation
Suggested Activities


Task: Asking and responding to questions.

1) Student A draws 5 things about his/herself on a piece of paper.
2) Student B will ask questions based on the pictures to find out about student A.

1) Lecturer draws 5 things that are close to him.

2) Students ask questions and lecturer responds to the questions.


Students are able to ask and respond to questions during presentations that have visual images.

This activity is simple and suitable for all students. It promotes students’ active participation in class. The pre-task helps to give an overview about the task. At the end of the activity, all students are able to ask questions and provide appropriate responses. The lecturer ends the class by giving samples of other language expressions that could be used when asking and responding to questions.


The students should be given samples of language uses/ expressions as a guideline before they do the task. This is to allow students to practice complex questions rather than to use simple Yes/ No Tag Question. 

Teaching Tips

This topic focuses on making oral presentation as a component of employability skills in an English language class.

The activity conducted in this class.

1) KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) cards.

Students are given cue cards with topics and three main points. They need to prepare the opening phase of a presentation and practice with their friends. Elements that they need to include in the beginning of their presentations are:

i) Greet and welcome the audience
ii) Introduce the main topic of the presentation
iii) Outline the main points of your topic
iv) State when you would like the questions to be asked

Some of the teaching tips to share:

1) Introduce your students to gestures and body languages that could be used when they present.
2) Activate the student’ prior knowledge and make a mindmap of aspects to consider when making oral presentation. *Please accept all answers.
3) Topic can be on anything because the main focus is on the opening phase of oral presentation. KISS cards are prepared by the lecturer.


The lesson focuses on the opening phase of a presentation, and asking questions about information from a presentation.

The lesson provides useful advice for an Oral Presentation Topic because it gives strategies and approaches to encourage active learning in class. The activities conducted are suitable for students with differentiation.

For our students, we could provide additional input in areas such as language expressions or show them video clippings of presentations made by distinguish speakers. This could allow the students to observe techniques in making an interesting opening of presentations and adapt in their own presentations. For the KISS activity, I would choose topics that are more familiar to the students which they could relate. The students could use the three main points listed in the cards in their opening presentation. This might help the lower proficient students do the task.

The activity in this lesson would enhance the students’ understanding in making an effective presentation at the opening phase. The lecturer should highlight the importance of effective body language in a presentation, and activate the prior knowledge of the students. The introduction of cultural awareness is important especially in a multicultural workplace environment. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked in the teaching of English to Malaysian students. It will be very interesting and useful for the students if the English lecturers could introduce and highlight this element in their teaching. 

Prepared by:
Dr. Shahiza binti Ahmad Zainuddin
Politeknik Mersing Johor

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