Friday, 17 October 2014

CLIL according to David Marsh

David Marsh gives a great insight into CLIL answering relevant questions: the future of CLIL, advice on how to start up a CLIL programme and much more.

Who is David Marsh?

david.marsh photo
David Marsh has worked on multilingualism & bilingual education since the 1980s. He was part of the team which conducted groundwork leading to the launch of the term CLIL in 1994. In 2002, he coordinated production of CLIL - The European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential for the European Commission (DG EAC).  This overview of the situation in Europe was used in the compilation of the 2004-2006 EC Action Plan: Promoting Language Learning & Linguistic Diversity. 
Born in Australia, educated in the UK and now based in Finland, he has extensive experience of teacher development, capacity-building, research and consultancy in a range of different countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. In 2004 he produced Special Educational Needs in Europe - The Teaching and Learning of Languages: Insights & Innovation for the European Commission (DG EAC). From 2005-2007 he has managed various international research and development assignments on education and curricular developments. 
During 2008-2009, he is coordinating an international research team (on behalf of the European Commission) which examines the evidence of links between multilingualism and creativity. Up to 2010, he acts as Strategic Director for CCN (Europe), and handles various educational development and research initiatives in the European Union & East Asia.

David Marsh, UNICOM, Continuing Education Centre,
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
david.marsh (at)
+ 358 400 843 653


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