Sunday, 19 October 2014

Aims of and Rationale for CLIL

Day 1: 8th October 2014
Session 1: 2.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m
Slot: Aims of and Rationale for CLIL
Tutor: Peter Ellis

Classroom Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session, students will be able to:
  • learn new concepts through studying the curriculum in a non-native language
  • improve performance in both curricular subjects and the target language
  • increase confidence in using the target language
By the end of the session, teachers will be able to:
  • provide materials which help develop thinking skills from the start
  • make the curricular subject the main focus of classroom materials
  • increase learners' confidence in the target language

Suggested activity

Task: Share and discuss information with group mates based on the text.
  1. Teacher instructs the learners to read text about one of the 4 'C's of CLIL. 
  2. The learners share the information with their group mates 
  3. The learners take notes in the other parts of the table about the texts the other colour groups studied

Students are able to:
  • share their information with their group mates.
  • describe the meaning of each vocabulary item using their own words.


The suggested activities range from simple to more complex tasks. The teacher can incorporate all the four language skills in this lesson. For example, the teacher can ask the learners to read aloud the text and discuss key word in each paragraphs. It is important for the teacher to take into account the students' different abilities before using the materials. 

A simpler task like using shorter text and instruct the learners to complete the task with their partner can be used in the lesson. It is a good activity that can increase learners' motivation to use the language and can be used as set induction in the lesson.  

Teaching tips

These activity can be adapted in Current Issues and Processes and Procedures.

Activities to consider:
·        gap filling exercise
·        introduction to new vocabularies
.        information transfer (use diagram) 

The learners can transfer the information into a diagram after exchanging the information from different texts. The teacher need to provide the an example of diagram before the activity. 


I personally find that this slot is very helpful as an introduction to the aims of and rationale for CLIL especially to the teachers. This slot introduces the different models of CLIL and the 4 'C's of CLIL, which are Content, Communication, Cognition and Culture. This slot highlighted the benefits of using CLIL in the classroom as CLIL improves learners' performance in both curricular subjects and the target language. 

Prepared by:

Noor Darliza Mohamad Zamri
Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic Sabak Bernam

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